Goa tourism info now on cellphone

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Goa tourism department has now set into motion a tech-savvy initiative which makes it possible for tourists to receive information about popular tourist spots in Goa directly on their mobile phones. When this happens, information on Goa’s tourist locales such as the majestic forts, Goan beaches, Goa’s heritage spots, Goan temples and Churches, waterfalls and rivers will be available at the press of a button on your mobile phone.Goa tourism on cell phone

Undertaken in association with the Infotech Corporation of Goa Ltd (ITGL) the mobile governance( m-governance) programme in the state has been launched as a part of the government-to-citizen initiative. Goa tourism is therefore closely working with ITGL on this project.All places of tourist importance are expected to be included in the project.

To get the required information all that the tourist has to do is send the code of the site to the designated number and he or she will receive the required information. The various locations and spots in Goa which are of prominent nature will be allotted a specific code number in a fixed format. therefore texting the code number in the format: MGoa_(place code) to 56070 will give tourists the information to that particular place. messages can also be given in the audio format.

To create the required awareness about the facility, various signboards , listing the code for each place will be placed a t vantage spots all across the state of Goa. The Goa tourism department is also expected to create more awareness on the project through the departments website and through publicity material including brochures and other travel literature on Goa.

It is believed that in tune with the times, this tech savvy project will be of great help to the millions of travelers who visit Goa every year and lot of efforts are on to ensure that this mobile application is truly successful in aiding tourists to Goa to get the information on attractions of Goa on an instant basis.


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